
All the information they could gather

Someone smarter than I am told me animals are plants flipped inside out.
All our elaboration is on the inside
Villi, micro-villi, more dead-language garbage than you'd ever really want to memorize.
If we accept this postulate as true,
then I propose a similar postulate of my own:

Life is animals flipping themselves inside out again.

Spewing all their elaboration on the sidewalk and into churches and the sides of buildings.
Belching their elaboration on street corners and in elections.
Using the intricacies of energy capture to bombard the rest of the world with their keen keen elaboration.

I see other peoples' insides everywhere.
I have seventy-five brands of cereal to choose from at the grocery store.

Let's remember where nature put our complexities.

Shut our mouths and soak in the sunlight.


Todd Brogan said...

Meanwhile, we blog...hmm.

Steve said...

I don't get it:(