
Update on Me: Endless Possibilities Edition

Evidently, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I've been busy with work and with home-life - and with consuming massive amounts of media on a daily basis (As if I didn't do that before).

Recently, I've been thinking about my blog and where I want to take it. I do want to keep updating it with political analysis, but I want to focus more on local issues and niche politics. I think there I can offer a unique perspective. Beyond that, I want to talk about myself - where I am, what I'm doing, and the lifestyle that I lead.

Soon, I will be attending the Army's Armor school at Ft. Knox, KY, where I will learn to lead a tank platoon. Beyond that, I will be working to earn a Ranger School slot. Finally, I will be heading down to Ft. Bliss, TX to lead a Cav platoon in the 6-1 Cav. Who knows where I will head from there? Perhaps I will be part of the rotation into Iraq. Perhaps I will be part of the OEF augmentation process. I really don't know at this point, and I suspect I'm not the only fresh Lieutenant in that position. This is really quite OK. I know there is work in the future, and I am preparing for it.

And what else? I am enjoying my life here in Madison as a Gold Bar Recruiter (GBR). I work with good people and spend quite a bit of time with cadets. Madison is my home and I love it here. I am ready to live elsewhere and experience the American Diorama (tm), but Madison will always have a special place in my heart.

In this time of introspection, let me lay out my future plans - in the Senior in High School, Where Will You Be style. I may be a bit unrealistic, but I really hope that I can achieve any of this. If I do, I will be successful.

No Later Than:
-Platoon leader.
-Complete Ranger School.
-Graduate in top 25% of schools.
-Begin graduate courses online.
-Run a marathon.
-Get a dog :)
-Begin Captains Career Course.
-Transition to a new duty station.
-Complete graduate degree in Public Admin.
-Complete a triathalon.
-Complete an Ironman race.
-Begin doctoral work.

No timetable:
Get married
Have or adopt children
Travel across Africa
Travel across Asia

We'll see what I can actually do. I feel like there is endless possibility right now in this country. We are hurting, but if we keep our heads up and our wits about us, times will get much better.

And for me, they things can get nothing but better.

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