
Barcelona for Dummies

I flew into Barcelona two days ago - arriviving early Monday morning - and I´ve not stopped since! Except for two long Siestas. Oh, and sleep. And casually eating dinner.

But aside from all that - I´ve not stopped yet!

First, I hit La Rambla, the sprawling market-street, including la Boqueria, a huge fresh produce market. La Rambla has mimes, chickens, flowers, and a state-street on steroids like atmosphere. Around it are quite a few tiny streets with wonderful atmosphere and hundereds of little shops.

Today, we went and saw Sagrada Familia, a cathedral work in progress by the architech Gaudi. It was thrilling - a treat to see. When it is complete, it will be even more amazing. To see people work on a cathedral really puts the others in perspective. It is certainly a modern work of art.

Just a few hours ago we saw Parque Welle, another Gaudi design, situated above and behind the city of Barcelona, overlooking the entire old city. It looks like a fairytale park.

Okay. That´s it for now - I´m off to dinner in Plaça Reye. Sorry for the few updates, I´ve been trying to find an internet cafe. And now, find time for an internet cafe.

In one final note on politics - The Buchenwald-Auschwitz non-controvery is pretty telling about what the GOP is willing to do in this election... i.e, lie their asses off and hope someone with low information catches the lie and not the truth.
Also, Obama is about to wrap up the nomination. 25 delegates to go and only a few contests. We´ve come all this way, and now we´re here!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

adam, you're the only boy i know personally who still manages to stay on top of US politics while having adventures in Spain.

have fun!