
Making it work

The key to walking in high heels is to put your toe down first. Shoulders down, back straight, quick toe-heel and you float. All grace and power.

It's the beginning of May in Wisconsin. The state had its requisite teaser week of beautiful weather about a month ago, and we're all still wearing skirts despite the chilly breeze that will hang around 'til June.

Sitting on Library Mall, girls clack and clump past like carefully decorated cupcakes in store windows. Few of them are floating, but they look happy and pretty.

Like most things in life high heels are constraints, with beautiful results when properly realized.

I wore heels everyday to high school and dipped my head to hide my triumph upon being voted most feminine. Fluid trick-clicking let me shine in the recognition we all know deep down we deserve.

For three years now, I've been walking a mile or so to my college lectures, flat-footed out of practicality.

I still haven't figured out how to float here, so close to the ground.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

it's "toe-heel"? shit.... i thought it was "heel-toe"

damn it i'm a fuck up.